Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 1st, Narita・5月1日、成田

Noting from Narita, just arrived.
So far, so good. Realized I forgot the Japanese cell phone I've used on previous trips at home so I'll have to buy a new one, and my debit card didn't work in Toronto which kind of freaked me out. Card situation should be fine, had mom call my bank and it turns out the card wasn't verified for Canada even though I mentioned I'd be at Toronto Intl. Got it verified but didn't try it, was able to use my card on my parents' account in a pinch so no need to use extra money when I didn't need to. Have yet to try my card here, was kind of rushing in Narita since I wasn't sure how long currency etc would take. No ATM I can use in this area of the airport, so it'll have to wait until Sapporo.
Also, American phone isn't working now that I'm in Japan. Should have called and let the cell company know I'd be here beforehand, but it's nothing serious. Can email mom etc once I get to an internet connection and I should have a Japanese phone soon enough.

Once I got through the fluster of customs etc and into a part of Narita with fresh air everything smelled immediately like Tokyo, exactly as I remember it. So many memories all back at once, and as dangerous as it may be the 'idol mood' came back all over again. As much as I want to enjoy that world again, I can't get invested like I used to and for the sake of my studies/future career it's best to keep that obsession at bay. Still plan to visit idol friends and pop by a concert venue or two when there's a show going on for old time's sake, perhaps against my better judgement. Done with idols or not, I made valuable friends through all that and I have no intention of just dropping them.

Watching Japanese TV waiting for my flight to Sapporo at the moment. Never flown domestic in Japan, so it's interesting to see how things operate differently. As always, Japanese customer service is extremely professional and calculated; I love it. Flight boards soon, so I suppose I'll leave this entry as is.


税関手続などの焦りを終えて、外の匂いが入ってきてるドアのある場所に入ったら、東京の匂いがすごくて、覚えた東京そっくりだった。色々な思い出が溢れてきちゃって危ないアイドル気分も(笑) そういう世界に戻りたい気持ちもありますが、前みたいに夢中になれないし勉強や将来の仕事の為にも遠慮したほうがいいんだから。危ないかもしれないが、アイドル関係の友達とかにもちろん会うつもりで、会場推しとしてコンサートでも寄るつもりもあるが。あまりにも大切な仲間だしその繋がりを守らないつもりは全くない。


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