Wednesday, May 15, 2013
May 8th-12th, Classes Continue・5月8日から12日まで、授業の続き
Apologies for not updating for so long, been quite busy.
Had one class Wednesday, the culture class that's always done with a class of both exchange students and Japanese students. All new BSU students introduced ourselves in front of the class and had to talk about what surprised us most since getting here. I said that I've been to Japan enough times that not much surprises me anymore, but I feel that in Americans' minds the Japanese seem like a very serious people. Even so, when I came here the first time I saw that Japanese people hang out and goof off and so on just like everyone else, which was maybe not surprising but at least a little unexpected. This was all in Japanese, of course.
After the lecture (basic info on Japan and holidays) we got into groups. The teacher tried to pair Japanese with native English-speaking students based on skills levels of English and Japanese, so I was put with the Japanese students who don't really speak any English at all. Discussion was interesting enough - talked about how holidays in Japan and America differ, somebody asked me how homosexual issues in the US vs Japan differ (how open they are and so on), we talked about CostCo since those recently popped up in Japan, and we also talked about video games. There may have been a couple other things, but regardless that was the majority. In my experience Japanese people are somewhat shy and it's kind of difficult to get them to discuss things openly, so I went ahead and took the lead during the discussion - it was, as expected, a bit slow to take off, but once the discussion got moving the whole group came together and I feel like we all actually learned a lot. Very much looking forward to that part of the class.
Went to my Japanese friend Hokuto's band's concert that evening. Didn't know the way to the venue so I went with him and sat in the venue during their sound test and rehearsal and so on. Concert itself was a lot of fun, Hokuto and crew (called THE MARCYz) put on a good show and were much better than I had expected.
The guy after them, called Masashi, was a half-Japanese half-some other ethnicity with an acoustic guitar and, at one point, he was like "I was born and raised in Hokkaidou, just like everyone else here…right…?" and one of Hokuto's band members pointed out that there was "someone who didn't quite fit that description". I spouted out "yeah, I'm a bit different" and, based on my accent, he said "you're Japanese, then?" and I said "no, I'm an American" and walked up to the front where he could see me. He about fell off his chair and shouted "jesus your Japanese is amazing" then asked me some questions that I didn't fully follow and he was like "…okay, next song then!" which was pretty funny haha
After his next song he asked me if I knew who Chris Connell was, which I didn't and he was shocked…guess the guy's from Soundgarden and Audioslave, which are names I obviously did know. Masashi exclusively did English covers of that kind of stuff and, while he was very talented, to be honest that's not exactly my style. Still, after the show he came over and said hey, asked me about some other bands and I told him he's very talented (because he was). One more performer after that and then a good portion of us went to eat. Got Sumire, which is by far the best miso ramen I've ever had, and then I headed home with one of the Japanese guys who was there named Yuuji. Didn't know the way home so he ended up showing me the whole way back, which I felt bad about since he had to quite a bit out of his way, but he didn't seem to mind so hopefully it wasn't too much trouble.
Thursday morning, I gave two of the more difficult Japanese classes a shot. Just me and three Chinese guys, which meant that I was in the highest possible level of Japanese-as-a-second-language classes normally reserved for Chinese, Korean, etc people who've been studying Japanese seriously for years (I'm pretty sure…). First class was kind of a speech/presentation class which looks like it won't be too terribly difficult, and the second was a writing class focused on academic-style reports and so on, which may present somewhat of a challenge. Also went to the lower level class I attended the other day, which was expectedly easy but still good practice.
Didn't do much of anything post-class, sat around and read, watched TV, did homework. Eventually Tristan, Suzanne and I went and got soup curry at a place called 'Curry Leaves' right next to campus. Very cozy place, great food, run by really nice people. Went back home, watched more TV, slept.
No class Friday, so slept in late (until 9:00…!! haha), went to campus, did a bit of homework, met up with Hokuto and his friend Hitomi for lunch at this Chinese food place. Very very tasty, big portions and more than reasonably priced. Made plans to hang out, play video games, make takoyaki at Yuuji's place that evening and, until then, sat in SUICC and chatted about various things with Hokuto.
Stopped by a market on the way there for ingredients and so on, bought wayyyyy too much alcohol and headed to Yuuji's. Japanese friends ended up doing all the preparations, then we all sat around, chatted, drank, watched TV, played video games and made takoyaki. On the whole, a really good time :D
Saturday, we made plans to go to Tanukikoji, Sapporo station and then karaoke. Not too much happened in the first two places…good to see them, of course, but since I stopped collecting I have a hard time getting into shopping. Ate at an omurice place - pork cutlet curry omurice, super good although a little expensive - before going to karaoke.
Karaoke itself was, of course, amazing. Frankly, the rest of the day was mildly disappointing, so I'm glad karaoke was the last thing we did. Anyone who's been to karaoke with friends understands how much fun and how much of a pick-up/stress reliever it can be. Post-karaoke, stopped by a random ramen shop with Hokuto and ended up having some of the best miso ramen I've eaten yet. That combined with karaoke made for a very fun, fulfilling day.
Spent Sunday doing basically nothing all day. Beyond buying groceries, just watched TV, read, laid around the apartment etc. That's it, for now.
その夜、北斗という友達のバンドのライブに行った。ライブハウスへの行路が分からなくて北斗と一緒にライブハウスまで行って、練習もサウンドチェックもライブハウスで見た。ライブ自体もすごく楽しくて、北斗のバンド(THE MARCYz)もかっこよかった。
その次の演奏者はMasashiさんというハーフの人で完全に外国人に見えた。アコースティックギターを弾きながらアメリカのアーティストのカバーとかをしてた。途中で「私は外国人じゃなくて日本人です。北海道で育てた人でみんなと同じ。。。ですよね?」みたいなMCで北斗のバンドのボーカルが「いや、少し違う人もいますね」と言ったら、僕が「ちょっと違いますね笑」と言った。それで、Masashiさんが「日本人ですよね?」って言ったら僕が前に出て「いや、アメリカ人です」と言ったらMasashiさんがものすごくビックリして「日本語めちゃくちゃ上手いっすね!」とか言って、みんな大爆笑。そして、僕に名前を聞いてちょっと分かんないような質問も聞いて、僕からちょっと微妙な反応で「。。オッケー次!」っていう風に次にの曲へ(笑) すごく面白かった。
また後のMCでも’「Chris Connellの曲をよくカバーしてます。ザックさんChris Connel知ってますか?」で僕が「知りませんね。。」と言って、またビッグリアクションのMasashiさん。まさかのChris Connelが知らないアメリカ人なんて!って感じで「SoundGardenとかAudioSlaveとか知ってます?」って聞かれて、僕の知ってるアーティストでMasashiさんが大喜び。Masashiさんのセットが終わってから挨拶しに来てくれて、アメリカのバンドなどの話をしてから「めちゃくちゃ上手いよ」って僕が言ってから終わり。本当にハーフにしか出来ない歌声だった。
授業が終わってからあまり予定がなくて、テレビ見たり宿題したり本読んだりしてからトリスタンとスザーンと「Curry Leaves」というスープカレーのレストランに行った。美味しくて雰囲気もいいし店長なども優しくて恒例の食事になりそうだった。それから、まただらだらしてから就眠。
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"you're japanese is amazing!"
ReplyDelete*you proceed to not fully follow his follow up questions*
"so... moving on to the next song!"
lmao I know this experience in Chinese all too well.
Your Friday sounded pretty dec: wake up late, do a little japanese hw, evening get together. I think it was Friday I also went to Kyle's new place with Cecillia, James and Liz. His place aint bad but there's a torture room upstairs and maybe a random noise wraith, but overall pretty good. Keep the updates coming beautiful boy.